
Picture of surf students and volunteers on beach.

The Ocean City Surf Club needs volunteers and surf instructors to help us with our 2024 Surf Into Integrity 3 Day SUMER CAMP from 8:30am till 10am on July 22nd and 23rd . This is a condensed version of our popular Surf Into Integrity program we run for 3 months in the Fall. We will work with 7th & 8th graders in summer school at the Stephen Decatur Middle School. We will meet each of those 3 days on 38th street and the beach. ( Always parking real close at the Convention Center )

This is an incredible experience for these young children as some have never been to the beach or been in the ocean.
We will teach them some life lessons on the beach and some surf lessons in the ocean.

We need your help! We are looking for people ages 13 and older to help us on the beach and in the ocean with approximately 30 students.

Please contact club President Tommy Vach at 443-366-5885 or to let us know if you can help on any of the 3 days.

It’s extremely rewarding to watch some of these children ride a wave for the first time in their lives! And their smiles will light you up! Come join us and be a part of this great community event!