Surf Into Integrity is an after-school program offered at Stephen Decatur Middle School. The syllabus for the class is based on the book “The Surfer’s Code – 12 Simple Lessons for Riding through Life” by world champion surfer Shaun Tomson. The response from the kids, the teachers, the parents, the press, the community, and the school board has been overwhelming and encouraging. We have a great group of volunteers & students!!
The Worcester County Board of Education would like to recognize Ocean City Surf Club for the outstanding contributions to the youth of Worcester County.
I cannot praise this team of volunteers enough. My son is in this class and he is excited about reading the required materials. He comes home sharing the lessons he has learned. He is applying the lessons to his life in positive ways. This team of volunteers is inspiring a love of not only surfing, conservation and respect, but of children to be and do their best! Thank you for all you do for this community and our children. Mahalo
Such an amazing opportunity my daughter Emily Fitzgerald was given to be a participant in the O.C.S.C. Surf Into Integrity class. This experience really showed the value of family, positive and reliable role models, friendship, team work, respect, responsibility, INTEGRITY, and how these kids can apply that in surfing but also in life! With that said, this club wouldn’t have done that if it wasn’t for the dedicated teachers who put their heart and soul into this and showed what it meant to “pass on your stoke” Certified gnarly experience. Thank you.